I know it's late, but I wanted to greet all Australians a Happy Australia Day!
January 26, 2010 is the 222th Australia Day, it marks the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove last 1788 with the British troop, headed by Capt. Arthur Phillip, raising a British flag as they proclaimed sovereignty in the newly-found land.
Don't worry, I won't be lecturing about the History of Australia in this post; forget about the dates and the personalities that I've mentioned above because, as promised, I will be taking you again to the Adelaide Central Market- the meat and seafood sections.
In the Philippines a 'barbecue' is primarily a marinated meat fastened in a bamboo skewer (kebab) grilled over a flaming charcoal. In Australia (as well as in Britain) a barbecue is simply an unmarinated meat grilled fast in an hot metal plate powered by an LPG. It is the same as broiling in the USA and Canada.
'Roo' is a shortened term for a kangaroo or a kangaroo meat. So the yellow banner says, "grill a kangaroo meat on Australia Day!"
But before we proceed, just take a quick look on these lovely and colourful flowers in the Adelaide Central Market...

Back to the meat section...

The fresh meat...
Finally, the seafood section of the Adelaide Central Market...

This ends The Chook-minder's Quill's The Adelaide Central Market series.
Part I- Say Cheese
Part II- Come and Glow